Monday, January 25, 2010

CHA Anaheim, CA Saturday 1-24-10

Wow, sorry I haven't posted in so long.  Life kind of got in the way.  Besides losing my assignment at work the week before Xmas, I had to move all my office stuff home.  So it's stacked to the ceiling until I can find another permanent assignment.  Then my 17 y.o. DGD had brain surgery on Xmas Eve, so I went to NV to help watch the younger DGD while my DD and DSIL spent 5 days waiting in intensive care hoping she would get discharged soon.  Things are much better now.  But this weekend my DD called to say her stepmom passed unexpectedly, so she was off to prepare for a funeral.

Okay, so I decided to go to CHA at the last minute with a friend.  We got there kinda late, but oh, my, there are so many wonderful things coming out this year.  I'm sure you all heard about the cake machine Provocraft is coming out with.  Wonderful.  I got to talk to the husband of Linda Mc Clure, who was the stimulus for Provocraft creating this machine.  (Sorry I forgot his name)  She does awesome work!  The cakes on display were astounding!  He told me of a client that wore her grandmother's wedding dress and wanted her cake to copy the lace.  And they did just that.  Can you imagine how personal that would be?  What a great opportunity to start a business creating wedding cakes, etc. 

Here's her website to see her cakes:
Quite an amazing artist.  Hope to see more of her stuff. 

Then I moved on to find Your Story, the Provocraft binding system.  I purchased this machine in early December and never could find album covers to do Xmas presents.  They were always sold out.  Almost thought I made a mistake buying this machine.  Then this weekend the Provocraft demonstrator tells me all the new stuff they're coming out with this Spring.  There will be cardstock album covers that you can use in your embossing machine and much cheaper than the albums they have so far.  And they're also coming out with just the strip of glue, so you'll be able to use your own cardstock or anything else for that matter.  The cost of creating albums is going to be very competitive with the other binding products out there.  I am chomping at the bit for this now!  Drooling!

CHA had too much to see and not enough time!  Next year it will be even bigger.  They're talking about moving to Los Angeles to make it more central and getting a bigger venue.  Can't wait. 

Hopefully this spring I will be creating lots with the new stuff coming out.  Keep posted!  I promise I'll have new stuff once life gets back to normal.